ἐν ἁπάσῃ γὰρ κοινωνίᾳ δοκεῖ τι δίκαιον εἶναι, καὶ φιλία δέ


Anyone wishing to register, in addition to filling out the form below, must attach the following documentation by uploading it using the appropriate buttons:

– photocopy of a valid identification document;
– short CV or personal profile.

The annual membership fee, set at € 80.00, must be paid by bank transfer made out to:

Associazione Internazionale di Studi Tardoantichi
IBAN: IT33Y0306909606100000149206
Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10
20121 Milano

The receipt of payment must be sent to the email address info.studitardoantichi@gmail.com

Personal profile
Identity document
Show privacy policy