All essays are double-blind peer reviewed and evaluated by two anonymous referees.
Each essay proposed for publication is preliminarily evaluated by a member of the Scientific Committee. If it is judged in line with the editorial policy of the Association, as well as with a good level of scientific quality, it is assigned to two referees, competent scholars on the subject. The names of the referees will not be disclosed.
The author’s name will be deleted from the essays sent to the referees. The evaluation of the referees will be communicated to the author in a totally anonymous form.
Referees have four possible final options for each article:
Can the article be accepted for publication?
[1] Yes, without revisions
[2] Yes, with few revisions
[3] Yes, with many revisions
[4] No
In the case of two clearly conflicting references, the text will be sent to a third referee.
In cases [2] and [3] the correspondence between changes made to the second version of the essays and revisions indicated by the referees is evaluated by a member of the Scientific Committee competent in the field. In the case of many significant revisions requested by the referees, the second version of the essay will be sent back to the referees for an adequacy check of the changes made.
The objective of peer review is to identify the tools to maximize the potential of the essay. Processing peer review and explanatory comments, please consider the following guidelines:
– How the essay could make a more effective contribution to existing literature.
– How the essay could be modified to be clearer and to highlight the central focus of the issue.
– How the coherence of the argument could be improved.
– What are the controversial elements of the essay.
The content of the references is strictly confidential. The authors, by agreeing to be evaluated, undertake not to disclose peer reviews. Those who accept the request to make judgments on a text are required to have a commitment of discretion towards the author and the scientific community. It is possible that the list containing all the names of the referees (without any connection with the refereed text and in alphabetical order) is communicated to the commissions of the societies responsible for scientific evaluation or is published according to any rules issued by the competent bodies. In any case, the connection between the referee and the referred essay, as well as the date of the referee, will never be communicated. To request the list of anonymous referees (only for scientific societies and bodies responsible for scientific evaluation):