ἐν ἁπάσῃ γὰρ κοινωνίᾳ δοκεῖ τι δίκαιον εἶναι, καὶ φιλία δέ

Section of Messina “Salvatore Calderone”


Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne, stanza n. 522


Via G. Palatucci, 13 – 98168 Messina


0906766875 – 3286836686




Prof. Marco Onorato – email: marco.onorato@unime.it



Dott. Ignazio Lax – email: ignazio.lax@icloud.com



The Messina section was founded on 31 October 1995 on the initiative of its eponymous Salvatore Calderone, who, in 1975, as part of a fruitful partnership with the philologist Antonio Garzya and the jurist Francesco Paolo Casavola, had promoted the birth of the Associazione di Studi Tardoantichi. Also under the impetus of the important acquisitions of the conference “L’Ellenismo nella Tarda Antichità” held in Messina and Tindari in 1996, a multidisciplinary approach to Spätantike was privileged, understood not only as an experience of vital transformation of an inveterate political, social, economic and cultural order, but also as an incunabulum of crucial aspects of the medieval and modern West. Over the years, numerous events have been dedicated to these themes, marked by a continuous synergy between historians, archaeologists, philologists, historians of religions and jurists. The relaunch of the section after the difficult years of the pandemic was sealed by the international conference “Ales picta loquellis. Nuove prospettive sulla poesia di Paolino di Nola” (Messina, 4-5 December 2023), which will be followed in 2024 and 2025 by study days dedicated to the thematization of primary passions in the literary genres of late Latinity and the creation of a “Late Antiquity supply chain” that provides, in addition to scientific events, the organization of special masterclasses for high school students and a partnership with the teaching of Late Antique Latin Literature at the Department of Civiltà Antiche e Moderne of the University of Messina.

Conference “Oratoria e politica nel mondo romano”

Conference “Ales picta loquellis
Nuove prospettive sulla poesia di Paolino di Nola

Messina 4-5 December 2023

Sebastiano Timpanaro nel Centenario della nascita
August 23, 2023

For information on the other activities of the Section see the attachment